NaCCA holds Quality Assurance Review workshop on Common Core Programme Curriculum


The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment NaCCA) has begun a five-day workshop in the Eastern Region to review the draft B7 to B10 subject curricula for the Common Core Programme (CCP) that will be introduced in September 2020.

The reviewers are expected to incorporate feedbacks received from all stakeholders and educational experts.

The workshop will complete the development of the preambles (general and subject specifics) as well as incorporate the soft skills of the core competencies into the CCP subjects- curricula.

The reviewers totaling 100 were selected from the Teacher Training Institutions, Universities, Educational Consultants, Curriculum Specialists and Classroom Teachers (JHS and SHS).

This review workshop is in line with NaCCA’s efforts to quality assure the CCP curriculum and make them ready for Stakeholder engagement, Trial testing and Finalisation.

Source: Daily Mail GH

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