27-year-old supermarket security guard found dead in Mankessim river

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The lifeless body of 27-year-old Akwesi Appiah-Adjei, a security guard at a local supermarket at Mankessim in the Central Region, was discovered in the waters of River Okye-Amissah.

Appiah-Adjei had gone missing for three days after reportedly venturing into the river for a swim following his duties at the supermarket.

Reports indicated that despite the swift action of teenagers who witnessed the incident, no rescue attempt was made by bystanders. Subsequent efforts by a rescue team proved unsuccessful.

It was on Saturday, June 1, 2024, when a woman fetching water stumbled upon Appiah-Adjei’s body floating in the river. Her frantic dash to inform the community sparked a joint effort between police officers from the Mankessim Division and local residents to recover the deceased.

Given the advanced state of decomposition of the body, authorities and family members decided to proceed with a burial, marking a tragic end to the search and rescue mission.

Expressing dismay over the turn of events, Honorable Alex Kojo Appiah, the Assembly Member of Edumadze Electoral Area, called upon the residents of Mankessim to remain vigilant in the face of such tragedies.


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