Bawumia pledges Idea-Driven campaign without insult


Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has pledged to focus his campaign on addressing the social and economic challenges facing Ghanaians rather than engaging in a campaign of insults.

During a meeting with Wa Naa Fuseini Seidu Pelpuo IV at his palace in Wa on Sunday, May 19, Dr. Bawumia affirmed his commitment to running a respectful and issue-based campaign. He assured the chief that he would adhere to the advice to maintain a decent and proper campaign.

“I am very much guided by your advice and that advice is one that I have been implementing and sharing my ideas with the people of Ghana with no insult to anybody. Just my ideas, and this is how I have been campaigning throughout. So that is the message we will be going around with. To tell Ghanaians what I am going to do as president and what we have done as a government to ask for the people’s support to go to the next level,” said Dr. Bawumia.

He also appealed to Wa Naa and his community to support him in the upcoming December 7 general elections. Dr. Bawumia highlighted the importance of his candidacy and why he believes he deserves their vote over his main competitor, John Dramani Mahama.

“Myself and my main opponent [John Dramani Mahama] are all your children. We are both from the North and he has been president before but I haven’t been president before, so I have told him [John Dramani Mahama] that he is my senior brother, and he should have patience for me so I can also become president of this country,” he stated.

Dr. Bawumia further explained his rationale, emphasizing the potential for a longer term in office if elected. “I will be able to be president for eight years, and he can only be president for four years, so if the presidency is coming home, then we should have it for eight years rather than four years.”

His remarks underscored a strategic appeal to voters, suggesting that electing him would bring more stability and continuity to the region and the country as a whole. Dr. Bawumia’s campaign is focused on promoting his ideas and achievements, aiming to connect with voters on the basis of substantive policies and plans for the future.

By promising a campaign devoid of insults and filled with constructive dialogue, Dr. Bawumia hopes to set a positive tone for the electoral process and encourage a more respectful political environment. His approach is intended to resonate with voters who are looking for solutions to the challenges they face rather than divisive rhetoric.

Dr. Bawumia’s strategy involves highlighting the achievements of the current government while presenting his vision for the future. He seeks to build on the foundation laid by the NPP and advance the nation’s development agenda.

As the campaign progresses, Dr. Bawumia plans to continue visiting various regions and engaging with community leaders and citizens. He aims to listen to their concerns and incorporate their feedback into his campaign platform.

His message to Ghanaians is clear: a vote for Dr. Bawumia is a vote for continuity, progress, and a focus on addressing the real issues affecting the nation. By emphasizing his commitment to a respectful and issues-based campaign, Dr. Bawumia hopes to earn the trust and support of the electorate.

As the December 7 elections approach, Dr. Bawumia’s focus remains on connecting with voters through his ideas and plans for the future. He is dedicated to running a campaign that upholds the values of decency and respect, setting an example for others to follow.

In conclusion, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is committed to a campaign centered on addressing the social and economic challenges facing Ghanaians. His respectful and ideas-driven approach aims to earn the support of voters and lead the country toward a prosperous future.

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