Bribery scandal: EIB Network condemns attack on Edward Adeti

Edward Adeti of Starr FM
Edward Adeti of Starr FM

Excellence in Broadcasting (EIB) Network, the parent company of Starr FM, has condemned attacks on its Upper East regional correspondent Edward Adeti.

Mr. Adeti’s home was robbed Thursday a few days after his investigative story forced a Ghanaian minister of state Rockson Bukari to resign. Bukari was heard on a leaked telephone conversation attempting to bribe the journalist to compromise his stance on a story about a judge and Chinese company, Shaanxi Mining company.

“Inasmuch as we are unable to link the burglary at Mr. Adeti’s home with his story, we strongly condemn the act carried out by the faceless cowards whose agenda is to cow journalists, who are risking their lives to put the spotlight on corruption. We trust the police to investigate the incident and bring whoever responsible to face the full rigors of the law,” the CEO of EIB Network, Nathan Kwabena Anokye Adisi, said in a statement.

“EIB Network has arranged internal security for Mr. Adeti and his family, and will want to call on the security agencies to make it a priority to give 24-hour protection to all journalists risking their lives to unearth rot in society.

“As Ghana joins the rest of the world in celebrating World Press Freedom Day on May 3, we call on all Ghanaians to strongly condemn the spate of attacks on journalists aimed at suppressing media freedom.

“We also want to call on people in high positions to make it absolutely clear to their supporters that violence against reporters is unacceptable. Violence against journalists is violence against freedom and democracy. 

“Journalism is not a crime and we will not be cowed in carrying out our constitutionally mandated responsibility to play a watchdog role in the interest of citizens,” the statement added.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has also condemned the attacks on Mr. Adeti as the world celebrates World Press Freedom Day.

Source: Daily Mail GH

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