Election 2020: If chaos erupts accept responsibility – Mahama to EC boss

Mr John Mahama and EC boss Jean Mensa
Mr John Mahama and the EC boss Jean Mensa at a meeting

Former president John Mahama has told the country’s electoral management body to accept responsibility if chaos erupts in Ghana during the elections.

According to him, the electoral commission needs to reconsider its position on the voters’ register impasse.

“If you look at the amount of time left and the fact that they are now going to bring in new machines and start writing names for a new register and then train people to man the machines, we are saying the time left is too short,” Mahama told a group of fishermen from Axim, who paid a courtesy call on him Wednesday.

“So if on the day of voting, people can’t find their names and the machines don’t work well, and things don’t go well, what do we do? that’s why we are telling Jean Mensa and the Commission that they should be careful because this country has been living in peace before they came and so they should do anything to create chaos for us.

Jean Mensa, EC boss being sworn in with others

“If they say they won’t listen and they will go ahead with their new register plans and chaos happens, they should own up and accept responsibility,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Inter-Party Resistance against the New Voter Register has presented a petition to the Jubilee House

The petition to the presidency would mean that the current and former presidents of the country have been informed of their reasons to protest the decision by the EC to compile a new register.

A meeting between the parties and the eminent advisory committee ended inconclusively. The EC however in a statement said the majority of stakeholders who attended the meeting agreed to a new register.

Source: Daily Mail GH

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