Ghana’s chieftaincy minister Ebenezer Kum resigns

Ebenezer Kojo Kum
Ebenezer Kojo Kum

President Nana Akufo-Addo has accepted the resignation of Ebenezer Kojo Kum, MP for Ahanta West, as Minister of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs.

The Chieftaincy Minister submitted his letter of resignation to the President on Friday 3 February 2023, a statement issued and signed by Eugene Arhin, the director of communications at the presidency, said.

The announcement did not state what led to the Chieftaincy Minister’s resignation. However, the resignation takes immediate effect.

“The President has asked the Minister for Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, Dan Botwe, MP, to act as caretaker Minister at the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, until a substantive replacement is made,” the letter from the presidency read.

The resignation of the Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs Minister leaves four ministerial vacancies in the Akufo-Addo administration following the resignation of the former minister of state at the Ministry of Finance, Charles Kofi Adu Boahen, the former trade and industry minister Alan Kyerematen and the former minister of food and agriculture Owusu Afriyie Akoto.

Source: Daily Mail GH

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