Let’s enter 2020 with “bright new ideas” – Nduom

Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom
Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom

One of the business magnates who went through difficult times in 2019, Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom has challenged his workers to enter the year 2020 with “bright new ideas”.

Dr. Nduom saw about three of his major financial institutions being closed down in 2019, but he said he is optimistic about the future and would not relent.

“This has been a particularly difficult one for us at Groupe Nduom. We acknowledge the difficulties experienced particularly by our banking and investment customers. For that, we are sorry.

“But we have hope, that with the strength, with the spirit and the enthusiasm that we have, we will overcome these challenges. We are determined to leave behind the difficulties of 2019, and enter the new year 2020 with bright new ideas,” Dr. Nduom said in a Facebook post to usher his workers into the Christmas festivities.

Below is the full message:

On behalf of the shareholders, directors, management and staff of Groupe Nduom, I want to thank each and every one of our customers for the relationship we have built over more than 30 years and particularly for the business you have done with us this year, 2019.

This has been a particularly difficult one for us at Groupe Nduom. We acknowledge the difficulties experienced particularly by our banking and investment customers. For that, we are sorry.

Many challenges were put our way with very negative consequences, intended and unintended. More than 3,000 employees lost their jobs due to these challenges. Other jobs are at risk.

But we have hope, that with the strength, with the spirit and the enthusiasm that we have, we will overcome these challenges. We are determined to leave behind the difficulties of 2019; and enter the new year 2020 with bright new ideas, with renewed strength and with the support that we believe will come from many quarters, so that we can get back into place and deliver the kinds of services and produce the goods that have come to be associated with Groupe Nduom.

We will prove to everyone particularly ourselves that indeed, when we say Groupe Nduom; Beyond Excellence, we mean that; we will live it.

I wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous, health-filled and productive 2020.

Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, President & Chairman, Groupe Nduom

Source: Daily Mail GH

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