Mahama Vows: My next administration will conquer corruption


John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has pledged that the next NDC government will prioritize the battle against corruption in Ghana, considering it a significant threat to the nation’s economy.


Mahama emphasized the urgency of addressing corruption during an engagement with the Christian Ecumenical Council on Monday, May 20. He asserted that his forthcoming administration would implement robust measures to combat and eradicate corruption.


“The impacts of many cases of financial malfeasance, stealing, cost inflation, sole source contracts, and projects that are funded but never completed are becoming more the norm than the exception,” Mahama stated. “Recently, MPs raised the issue of the Pwalugu multi-purpose dam [project], which was supposed to be an almost $1 billion investment. A contract was awarded, and $12 million was paid to the contractor for absolutely no work done. There are many cases that I could cite.”


He concluded with a resolute promise: “I make a firm promise that the administration that I will lead will fight the canker of corruption and defeat it.”

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