NDPC Chief: Vision 2057 aims to reduce youth unemployment


The recently launched Vision 2057 framework aims to address youth unemployment in Ghana, according to Dr. Kodjo Esseim Mensah-Abrampa, the Director-General of the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC). This strategic framework, formally known as the “Vision 2057: Long-term National Development Perspective Framework (LTNDPF),” was developed in response to the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Vision 2057 document is designed to guide political parties in preparing their manifestos, ensuring that the nation’s long-term development goals, as outlined in the 1992 Constitution, remain intact. The 111-page document, divided into eight chapters, details Ghana’s anticipated social, economic, and environmental progress by 2057, when the country will celebrate its centenary.


Jointly unveiled by Nana Dr. S K B Krobea Asante, the former chairman of the Committee of Experts that drafted the 1992 Constitution, and former Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo, the framework outlines the vision, goals, transformation drivers, and targets to be achieved over the next 32 years.


At the official launch in Accra on Tuesday, May 28, Mensah-Abrampah highlighted the focus on tackling youth unemployment: “There are specific areas that we are looking at; we are looking at tackling the issue of youth unemployment.” He emphasized the importance of aligning the needs of the private and public sectors with the necessary skills and knowledge: “This is an issue, we have looked at it in the long term because we need to match the need of the private sector, and public sector as well as the skills, the knowledge we need to provide.”


Additionally, Mensah-Abrampah discussed the development of a human capital development strategy: “And also the ability of our youth to be able to do that. We are coming out with specific, what we call the human capital development strategy, with broad strategies as to what we can do to complement this process that we are proposing.”


Vision 2057 aims to create a comprehensive roadmap for Ghana’s development, addressing critical issues such as youth unemployment while ensuring sustainable progress in all sectors.

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