Opposition alleges government used GH¢7bn from T-Bills to compensate contractors


The opposition has raised serious allegations against the government, claiming that it has tapped into funds reserved for Treasury Bills to the tune of GH¢7 billion to settle payments owed to contractors. This accusation was articulated by a prominent member of the minority, who asserted, “It is unacceptable for the government to resort to borrowing from T-Bills, which are typically earmarked for critical financial operations, to cover contractor expenses.”


Furthermore, another spokesperson from the opposition party emphasized the potential ramifications of such actions, stating, “This misappropriation of funds not only undermines the integrity of our financial system but also raises concerns about the government’s fiscal responsibility.”


In response, government officials have vehemently denied these accusations, labeling them as baseless and politically motivated. According to a government representative, “There is no truth to these allegations. The government adheres to strict financial protocols, and any borrowing is done within the confines of established procedures.”


Despite these denials, the opposition remains steadfast in their claims, calling for a thorough investigation into the matter. “We demand transparency and accountability from the government,” declared another opposition leader, emphasizing the need for clarity regarding the utilization of public funds.


The controversy surrounding the alleged diversion of funds from T-Bills to contractor payments has ignited a fierce debate within the political landscape, underscoring the importance of financial accountability and oversight in governmental operations.

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