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Kenya: Lamu Coal Plant has a lot of positives – lest...

The construction of the 1050 megawatt Lamu Coal plant in Kenya is expected to create some 1766 jobs during the initial stage.  The $2 billion plant to...

Kenyan MP slaps female colleague

A Kenyan MP has been arrested for allegedly slapping a female colleague because she did not allocate money to his constituency. Rashid Kassim is accused...

US Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs visits Ghana

US Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Carl Risch is traveling June 10-15 to Kenya and Ghana, an official statement announced. "The Assistant...

JIM’S JOTTINGS: On Race, Hormones & An ‘Equal’ World

A Twitter account managed by The East African -- a website which seeks to bring a clearer and in-depth understanding of political and economic...
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