5 Ghanaians, 3 Nigerians arrested over Canadians kidnapping in Ghana

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Eight persons are currently in custody over the kidnapping of two Canadian nationals in Ghana’s second largest city, Kumasi, the government announced Wednesday.

The eight include five Ghanaians and three Nigerians, information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah said at a press conference in the capital Accra.

Lauren Tilley and Bailey Chitty were rescued by Ghanaian police on Wednesday after being held hostage for a week.

“Five Ghanaians and three Nigerians are in custody for this incident. One suspect sustained injuries during the rescue operation. Victims have been flown to Accra. Preliminary investigations show they are fine and are receiving the necessary attention,” Information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah told the media at a brief press conference on Wednesday.

“They were rescued at Kenyase in a Kumasi suburb. Doctors and psychologists are engaging the victims to give them all the necessary emotional and psychological support,” he added.

Mr. Nkrumah said the operation did not include any foreign security.

He said: “The operations started Tuesday evening and there was no foreign assets involved in the operation. It was entirely done by the national security and security outfits of Ghana. The operation lasted for 25 minutes.”

“We want to assure the world that Ghana is safe and there is no security threat,” the minister added.

Source: Daily Mail GH

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