Bawumia to NPP-USA: NPP’s performance surpasses NDC, “Breaking the 8” achievable


At a celebration event held at the Hilton Hotel, the NPP-USA chapter conducted their annual fundraising in preparation for the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections on December 7, 2024.

The NPP-USA is committed to supporting its parent party, NPP-Ghana, in securing a third consecutive election victory, a goal referred to as “breaking the 8,” following their wins in 2016 and 2020 under the leadership of President Akufo-Addo.

Obaa Yaa Amponsah Frimpong, chairperson of NPP-USA, alongside Janis Asare Bediako, chairman of the Washington DC chapter, led the 30th-anniversary event. The celebration aimed to reinvigorate the party’s leadership and base in the United States to bolster their party’s efforts in Ghana for the December 2024 elections and to support the election of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as President of the Republic.

The entire production of the event was managed by Padefra Multimedia Consult, a US-based event organization and management company.

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