EC commends peaceful approach of Ghanaians in challenging Voter Registration eligibility


The Electoral Commission (EC) has expressed satisfaction with Ghanaians’ peaceful approach to challenging the eligibility of individuals participating in the ongoing limited voter registration exercise nationwide.

After two weeks of the exercise, the EC has recorded a total of 6,201 challenges, indicating an active engagement from citizens in the electoral process.

The limited voter registration commenced on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, as part of preparations for the 2024 general elections. This crucial exercise, mandated by Article 45 of the 1992 Constitution, is being conducted at the 268 district offices of the Electoral Commission across the country and is scheduled to conclude on May 27, 2024.

The registration initiative aims to provide an opportunity for eligible Ghanaians, including those who have reached the voting age of 18 since the last registration in September 2023, as well as others who were unable to register during the previous exercise, to register and participate in the electoral process.

Dr. Serebour Quaicoe, the Director of Electoral Services at the Electoral Commission (EC), highlighted that most of the challenges are emerging from areas characterized by high tension. He noted, “Where there is tension, the challenges will also come in their numbers. So areas where we suspect there are more busing will be those that will have those figures.”

Dr. Quaicoe also emphasized the importance of the challenges, stating, “I am happy that the challenges are coming up because it is better than using physical force to stop people, that is not the law.”

His remarks underscored the significance of resolving disputes through legal and procedural means, rather than resorting to violence or coercion. The EC remains committed to ensuring a transparent and inclusive electoral process, and the active participation of citizens in the registration exercise is crucial in achieving this goal.

As the limited voter registration continues, the EC encourages eligible individuals to take advantage of this opportunity to register and exercise their constitutional right to vote. By engaging in the registration process peacefully and responsibly, Ghanaians contribute to the integrity and credibility of the electoral system, fostering a democratic and participatory society.

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