Four-member committee to probe alleged military attack at Suame Police Station


A four-member committee has been set up to investigate the alleged assault of some police officers at the Suame Police Station by soldiers on Friday, October 29, 2021.

This was contained in a joint press statement issued by the two institutions on Saturday, October 30, 2021.

The committee has two members from the Ghana Police Service and two from the Ghana Armed Forces.

They are ACP Benjamin Osei Addai and ASP Ernest Kwofie of the Ghana Police Service and Colonel Jonathan Kumador and Lt. Col David Addo of the Ghana Armed Forces.

“Reference to our press release in respect of the alleged attack on Suame Police Station by some military personnel, a four-member committee has been established to investigate the matter.”

“The committee members are ACP Benjamin Osei Addai and ASP Ernest Kwofie of the Ghana Police Service and Colonel Jonathan Kumador and Lt. Col David Addo of the Ghana Armed Forces.”The committee has been tasked to commence its work on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.They have however been given one week to submit to their report from the day of commencement to assist the institutions involved to take the appropriate actions.

“The committee has one week from Tuesday, November 2, 2021, to submit their report to enable the police administration and the Military High Command to determine the next line of action.”

The press statement added that a thorough investigation will be conducted into the case and anyone found culpable will be punished accordingly.

“We wish to once again assure the public that a thorough investigation will be conducted and anyone found culpable will be dealt with according to law and in line with the disciplinary procedures of the two institutions.”

What happened at the Suame Police Station?

Friday’s incident happened after some policemen reportedly manhandled the plain-clothed soldier and handcuffed him, witnesses told

The soldier, Staff Sergeant Jamal Deen Mohammed, whose ‘unregistered’ motorbike was impounded in the ensuing melee called his colleagues who stormed the police station and assaulted officers on sight.

The injured was sent to the hospital for treatment, it is reported as large crowd moved in to catch a glimpse of the ensuing melee.

A police reinforcement was later deployed to maintain law and order.

Violent clashes between soldiers and policemen have raised security concerns.

In 2018 police and army officers clashed at a base in the Northern Region leaving at least seven officers injured.

It is the third time such cases has been recorded at the Suame police station since 2011.


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