‘Ghana could have won the 2010 World Cup if not for Luiz Suárez’ – GFA Exco Member Frederick Acheampong


Executive Committee member of the Ghana Football Association, Mr. Frederick Acheampong is of the view that Black Stars could have won the 2010 FIFA World Cup tournament in South Africa.

According to him if Luis Suárez had not famously handled the Dominic Adiyiah’s goal bound header, Ghana could have gone ahead to win the FIFA Mundial. 

“What happened in South Africa in June 2010 is on the mind of every Ghanaian football loving fan,” Acheampong said.

“We thought that was a great opportunity for Ghana and Africa to stake a claim for the World Cup.

“We believed that we would have made the semi-final, and who knows the final, and possibly even winning it, Africa winning it for the first time.

“That particular handball, I think it broke a lot of hearts here in Ghana and across Africa in general.”

“I’m sure it will be an interesting game when Ghana meet up with Uruguay in Qatar,” he added.

Ghana will face Uruguay again but this time at the group stage of the 2022 FIFA World Cup tournament in Qatar later this year.

By: D. N. A. MENSAH, Daily Mail GH / Follow the writer @SkipperWrites on Twitter

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