Ghana’s COVID-19 death toll hits 494

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Ghana has reported twelve more COVID-19 related deaths pushing the death toll to 494, officials have said.

According to data on the Ghana Health Service’s website some 554 additional cases has been reported as of Wednesday, February 10, 2021. Active cases currently stands at 6,948.

The country’s capital Accra, still leads with 3,741 cases.

Ashanti Region holds the second-highest number with 1,256 active cases followed by the Western Region with 582 cases.

Central, Eastern and Volta Regions also have 298, 262 and 248 active cases respectively.

While over 73,000 persons have so far been infected since Ghana recorded its first COVID-19 cases in March 2020, over 66,000 of that number have recovered and have been discharged.

In the meantime, 113 persons are in severe conditions and 29 in critical conditions.

The country is racing with time to prevent a surge in the number COVID cases but disregard for safety protocols appear to impede the fight.

President Akufo-Addo recently reimposed tighter restrictions which included a reduced social gatherings.

The country’s parliament also shutdown after MPs and staff tested positive for the virus.

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