High-handed brutalities against law students uncalled for – Rawlings berates police

Former President Jerry Rawlings
Former President Jerry Rawlings

Former Ghana leader Jerry John Rawlings has chided the police for brutalising a group of demonstrating law students.

Law students were sprayed with hot water and assaulted by the police on Monday as they present petition to the presidency.

Mr. Rawlings has condemned the act, describing it as “heavy and high-handed manner” which rather sows “seeds of discontent.”

“Police actions must win the confidence of the people, not the opposite. Monday’s actions rather sow seeds of discontent and encourage negative defiance.

“The heavy and high-handed manner the Police handled the demonstration by law students was most uncalled for. The conduct of the demonstration did not warrant the use of hot water cannons and rubber bullets,” the former military leader tweeted on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has also condemned the act.

“The police must realize that, just like every other Ghanaian, they are also subject to law and ought to give confidence to the populace at all times that, in applying the law, they do so fairly to all manner of persons.

“In the light of this sad development, the NPP is calling on the police hierarchy to look into the matter and bring persons who are found to have acted unprofessionally to justice to forestall future occurrence of this regrettable incident,” NPP General Secretary John Boadu said in a statement.

Source: Daily Mail GH

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