NDC Primaries: Four constituencies cleared to elect Parliamentary Candidates Saturday

Johnson Asiedu Nketia
Johnson Asiedu Nketiah

Ghana’s opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has slated August 31, 2019, to hold parliamentary primaries in four constituencies.

A statement from the party’s General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketia said the constituencies including Assin Central Constituency, were not part of Saturday’s parliamentary primaries where some 524 aspirants contested for 157 slots.

Read full statement below:

Parliamentary Primary Elections comes off in Four (4) Constituencies

The Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the National Democratic Congress has given clearance for the conduct of Parliamentary Primary elections at designated centres in the following under-listed constituencies on Saturday, 31st August, 2019.

  1. Assin Central Constituency
  2. Mfantsiman Constituency
  3. Fanteakwa North Constituency
  4. Elembelle Constituency

All officials of the party and interested persons in the aforementioned areas should take note and comply accordingly. Best of luck to all aspirants.


Cde. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, General Secretary

By J. Ofori, Daily Mail GH

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