Theo Acheampong: Presidential candidates must explain funding plans for campaign promises


Economist and Political Risk Analyst Dr. Theo Acheampong has urged political parties to be transparent about how they plan to fund their numerous promises ahead of the 2024 general elections.


During an appearance on JoyNews’ PM Express, Dr. Acheampong highlighted the significant challenge of limited fiscal space that the incoming government will face. He stressed the importance of realistically assessing how these campaign promises will be financed.


“The issue of how they’re actually going to fund these campaigns becomes very, very, very important because the money is just not there, and so we’ve got to be creative as to how they’re actually going to deliver on these promises and ultimately how it translates into outcomes,” he explained.


He further elaborated, “So if you have that limited fiscal space available, and, for example, we’re promising to pay sub-chiefs, and we say you want to rope them into the governance process, you pay them, and what would they do? How do they actually contribute to the improvement of governance across the board in the country?”


Dr. Acheampong emphasized that addressing the funding of promises is crucial to determining their feasibility and ensuring they translate into tangible outcomes. He noted that these promises should, when implemented, aim to reduce poverty and inequality and improve the general well-being of Ghanaians, adding, “because, as we speak currently, things are not that great.”

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