EPISODE 10: When the Sun Pointed South


Night stalker

Darra’s stay with Ma Adwoa was comfortable, but it was still nothing like life back in Tuya, even with her hometown’s meagre resources.

Physically, Kofi had kept his distance, but his mind — straying as ever — hadn’t quite . The boy’s exams were soon over, and Darra couldn’t feel more insecure around that thick-headed fellow. Without further delay, she had to tell on him.

But how could she do so without being deemed a liar?

She treaded on carefully.

See, Kofi was a stalker, eyes roving wild like a predator sizing up prey. Occasionally, he would passionately fantasize and almost try approaching Darra, but an aching shoulder from the previous encounter barred him — somehow.

One hot afternoon, Darra was at the market to buy some vegetables. Market days attracted people from far and near, and each of those dutiful visits to the square spread chances of being found. On this particular day, she came this close to someone familiar, a trader who had brought her wares all the way from Tuya. Darra’s heart almost skipped a beat as she hastened back into the streaming throngs for cover.


It had been a tough day with little rest and, by evening, she was totally knackered. Her eyes, heavy with sleep, could barely open. She retired early to bed, forgetting to lock her door.

Ah, could she not so much as ensure her own safety?

Sprawled carelessly on her mattress, sleep stole over. The day’s toil had worn her out. Everyone expected her to work every chore, not least Afia, one of Ma Adwoa’s daughters — lazier than a slug — who had never touched any previously assigned chores since Darra moved in.

A dreadful dream forayed: Darra was with friends, playing in the river that streamed life for the many families and livestock in Tuya. Speeding off the bank, they took dives into the river. Almost immediately after Darra’s plunge, however, she felt a downward pull.

What was it?

She had once saved a friend from drowning, but why not herself now?

The drag was rather steady but strong, the sun getting dimmer as she sank deeper, and her last breaths bubbled out toward the undulating surface. Feelings of helplessness overwhelmed Darra, her body paralyzed by fear.

In reality, though, there was danger she was oblivious to. Kofi had slipped into her room, crouching at her feet and grasping her legs. In the struggle against her ‘death’, and not quite making out all that was happening, she kicked at Kofi — the real monster dragging her to miserable depths.

A muffled groan sent Kofi tearing out the doorway – in terrible agony – jaw in hand. He had just received a chin-shattering kick as Darra, still not fully awake, fought for dear life in another world.

She was finally awake now, though, wheezing and beyond terrified. Everything happened quickly, and she still couldn’t tell whether it was all a nightmare. Well, yes it was; two of them, in fact — and she had just kicked her way out of both.

When the Sun Pointed South is a weekly series — exclusive to Daily Mail GH every weekend — that tells the entirely fictional and incredibly inspiring story of a young girl who escaped the rigors of life in Ghana’s North, braved odds down South, and emerged radiant. Get the previous episode here if you missed it.

Mathy Adortsu — Daily Mail GH

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