Head is for thinking not just helmet – Sam George to Police

Sam George at City Escape Hotel with his people explaining a point to the police

National Democratic Congress MP for Ningo Prampram, Sam George, has lashed out at the security agencies saying they are full of “zombies’.

According to him, the Ghana Police Service in particular is in “dire need of serious reforms.”

His accusations are coming on the back of alleged molestation of opposition MPs at the precinct of the Electoral Commission to present a petition in protest of the election results.

In a series of Facebook posts, the opposition MP said:

“So why is the Akufo-Addo government so paranoid? Just 106 unarmed Members of Parliament who represent their people decide to peacefully present a petition to the Electoral Commissioner and you go and pack all these heavily armed Police and Soldiers? Are you even normal?

“Then prepare to arrest all of us or shoot us but we shall not be cowed, intimidated or stopped from demanding answers from the Electoral Commissioner on behalf of our people.

“To the security officers deployed, remember some of us are your MPs and acting in our collective interests. Your fidelity is NOT to the President, IGP, CDS or Ministers for Interior, Defence or National Security. Your fidelity is to the State and the People of Ghana.

“Superintendent Kwesi Ofori, Regional Operations Commander, remember that I am your MP. I would be watching your moves today paaa. 😎

“I have always maintained that the Ghana Police Service is in dire need of serious reforms.

“Too many ‘zombies’ in uniform reducing a rather professional Police Service into a ragtag army of hoodlums.

“Serious institutional changes and retraining of men needed especially for those in Command positions. The head is indeed meant for thinking, not just wearing helmets and saying Yes Sa!🦁

Source: Daily Mail GH

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