Mahama didn’t lose 2020 Election – Ofosu Ampofo


Former National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, maintains that John Dramani Mahama did not lose the 2020 general elections. Despite the official results and a subsequent Supreme Court ruling in favor of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Ampofo insists that Mahama was the true victor.


The Supreme Court unanimously dismissed Mahama’s petition challenging the results on March 4, 2021, citing a lack of merit. However, in an interview with ChannelOne TV’s Umaru Sanda Amadu, Ampofo expressed his unwavering belief that Mahama won the election.


“I still believe that President Mahama never lost the 2020 elections because if all things had gone the way they should, we would have formed the government,” Ampofo stated.


He pointed to irregularities in the electoral process, particularly incidents in Ablekuma Central, where he claimed NDC supporters faced intimidation and brutality from state security agencies. Ampofo credited the NDC’s significant vote count to the vigilance of their supporters despite these adversities.


“In Ablekuma Central, for instance, during the declaration process, so many things happened, but you know Accra is Accra, our people stood their ground. Some had bullet wounds, and one person died, but they still insisted on doing the right thing. So, in Ablekuma Central, we won the seat. If we had chickened out in the face of intimidation, we would have lost the seat. It’s a lesson; people were vigilant. If they were not, we wouldn’t have garnered all those numbers,” Ampofo explained.


He added, “But there are certain circumstances beyond your control, especially when state security agencies, who are supposed to be impartial, decide to play to the gallery of the government of the day by brutalizing people. Then you have a challenge.”

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