NDC sues Electoral Commission over voters’ register

Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, national chairman of the NDC

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has sued the Electoral Commission (EC) for failing to provide it with a copy of the voters’ register for the ongoing exhibition exercise which ends Friday September 20, 2019.

The voter’s exhibition exercise started on September 10, 2019.

The National Chairman of the NDC, Samuel Ofosu Amposfo, told the media on Thursday that a day to the end of the exercise the opposition party is yet to receive a copy of the register.

He alleged that the governing NPP has already been provided with a copy of the register.

The exercise is meant to clean the register ahead of the upcoming referendum on the participation of political parties in district level elections, which will be an opportunity for the about 17 million registered voters to authenticate their details in the register.

It will also be a means to rid the register of unqualified people who got registered between 2012 and this year.

The exercise has generally been characterised by a low turnout in various constituencies across the country.

The picture is not far from the 2015 Exhibition Exercise, which some attributed to low publicity on the part of the Electoral Commission.

Some voters said they voted in the last elections and did not see the need to check their names again because they believe their names are in the register.

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